This is still in sermon form… yet to be converted to a study!
Problem – We try to convince God
When we come to God in prayer but can have 2 main problems
- We try to convince God,
- Try and explain why he should
- Try to twist Gods arm
- We fast and pray and try to buy Gods favour
- We say by our attitudes I’ve been good, you shouldn’t reject me
- We go away in hope, hoping he heard, or said yes
Answer – Understand Gods position
God has been satisfied!
- When Jesus came to earth he came to pay a price
- For this reason I was born die for the sins of the world
- God never intended us to earn,
- either by the works of the Law
- or by how nice we are
- Jesus is propitiation… more than enough
I want to show you how the enemy try to make us chase our tails for our whole life,
- we get confused and end up trying to blame God,
- Remember Faith is all about confidence,
- let have a look at this scenario and see how confidence is completely removed.
- I want to say here that faith is in the receiving not so much in the asking.
Imagine a friend goes to a shop and buys an item of clothing, we go into pick it up
- Because were not sure whether its been paid for we are kind of tentative
- Or just what has our friend brought?
- Has our friend paid the full price
Lets have a look at the price – write them on paper and hang them on the cross
- What did Jesus pay for?
- Adam sin
- Not just sins, but sin
- Cancel the law of sin & death
- Sickness
- Sorrow & Grief
- Judgement
- Your failing
What about
- The kingdom of God to surround me (angels help)
- Me to rule & reign with Christ
- Be Cleansed
- Reap where I have not sown
- Get reward where I don’t deserve
- Glorify Jesus through me
- Be a conqueror
- Have power & ability
- Fullness of the Godhead dwelling bodily
- Paid 4 blessing to over take me
- Abundant life
- Be reconciled to God
- Mercy & grace to be multiplied to me
- My paths be made straight
- To be sanctified
- To be justified
- To be restored
- To be free & have liberty
- To be comforted
- To be free from the old creation
- An open heaven
- Blessing to continually flow out of me
- The list could go on and on
How do I do it?
- Tarrying for the Holy Spirit for six months with prayer and fasting…
- Wigglesworth says “what are you doing? Gods already given you the Holy Spirit, just receive him!”
- Its like don’t ask God to heal you, look at the cross and say thank you!
- Faith is in receiving, not asking!
Rev 12.1 They that over came
- Past tense
- Blood of the lamb
- Word of the testimony… of the blood of the lamb
Gift voucher or a friends credit-card
- Then try to convince the shop owner to let you take it away
- Pleading with the shop owner
- Trying to re-purchase it
- Expand the price/payment of the body
- Expand the price/payment of the blood
- Proclaim the payment!