One of the most important subjects
This area we are touching on today is the one of the most important area in all Christianity,
this one subject ties together all subjects,
it is of the highest importance
This area effect everything you are and do
This subject is one of the major foundations of your thinking
It affects all your works and the results of all your effort
Affects Life, freedom, Joy, Peace, Security, Self Worth, Abundant Life, Love, Including first Love, Works, Rewards, Life results, your whole life…
It is the basis of your heart and motives
If you don’t get this area right you can’t respond to God correctly, or walk with him correctly, you also won’t know true freedom, peace or security
Millions are in Prisons
There are millions of Christians in spiritual prisons because they don’t have this area correct in their thinking
They are not only in prison they are in a unspoken spiritual agony
I believe this area causes more struggling, sin and pain than all other areas
You will imprison:
This subject will come out in everything you say and do in Christianity,
You will pass it on and create duplicates of yourself…
If you don’t have this correct in your heart you will imprison every person who you talk to who receives your words
People in Christianity destroy each other by these not having this foundation correct in their heart
You are a Minister of God,
your job is represent him correctly
We need to have this area solid in our hearts,
we need to know the enemies ways because from this area he attacks millions
You can guarantee he is attacking your people here!
And many of them will be suffering from it!!