Prayer without faith?
I’m also not so sure that prayer without faith works, I go to a lot of prayer meetings where people pray wonderful things, but many of those things are prayers that can not be answered or believed for, is it just enough to pray out all your desires, dreams and imaginations?
I believe you’re prayer has to be measurable, answerable.
James teaches us that there is ineffective prayer, just because we say something in prayer doesn’t mean its done. He says you ask but you doubt… therefore you will not receive it, Jesus says ask and believe and you will receive it.
I’m a great believer that its not done until its done, unless the kingdom of heaven moves… (heaven is activated by prayer in faith) it is not done… I also believe until joy and a “knowing” (the faith substance) that it is done, it is not done. That “knowing” is the ok from God that it is on its way, if you don’t have it then your prayer is not complete and needs further prayer.
I believe prayer needs to be believable if you can’t believe what you are praying for why pray it? The bible say prophecy according to your faith, its the same with pray, pull back your prayers to things you can believe God to answer now! and its done now, activated now, answered now!
When I was a new Christian my cousin had an accident and was in intensive care in hospital, he run into the back of a truck with a motorbike. I prayed “Lord just go into that hospital room and miraculously appear and heal him? I felt the Lord ask me if I believed that he would, I said no! And it didn’t happen either because that prayer was too big for me. Pray according to your faith!
Even if you are going after something enormous, that needs a lot of prayer, its like the saying “how do you eat an elephant?” “one bite at a time!”
I know there is different types of prayer, but when I pray the desires of my heart that are beyond my faith level, the sick don’t get healed, when I pray and can believe for it, miracles happen.
To Be continued….