1. This is what I have done today, that will last forever, Out of the 24 hours I have spent ________ hours on things that will last. That means I have spent ________ hours on temporal things, which will pass away when his world does.
2. This is what I have done this week that will last forever, out of the last 168 hours I have spent ________ hours on things that will last for ever and ______ hours on things that profit little.
3. This is what I have done this month that will last forever, out of the 730 hours of last month I spent _______ on things that last for eternity and ________ on things that are only concerned with my stay on this earth.
4. This is what I have done in this last six months that will last forever, out of the last 4,380 hours I have spent ________ hours on effecting eternity for the kingdom of God, and _________ hours on my kingdom or others.
If its not worth dyeing for, then its not worth living for either!!
Why didn’t we just die and go to heaven when we got born again? You are part of Gods hope for this generation, when he placed you here on planet earth he planned for you to work with him, your life here is so important to God. You are destined, chosen for this time, born for this generation, to reach into, to touch and minister, and to shine the light of God’s love. God planned a work for you to do, an eternal work, that’s full of purpose and challenge; it will stretch you and ask the best of you. You are born to take hold of the gifts and promises of God, born to resist sin and temptation and overcome this world, to be a person that is living close to God. ………… Salvation is a gift, a free gift, you don’t have to do works to be saved; you already have eternal life, (if you stay in Christ). God left you on this little earth when you got saved because he has hope in you, your not here to live a nice little life, you’ve got eternity in paradise for that. (They haven’t!!) ———————————————————————————————– Take a 30 second break from reading this, to think about this question, When God’s eyes scan this earth searching the cities and he comes to your city, sees your life and stops to ponder you, your daily activity, your weaknesses and your strengths, your thoughts, your heart, do you think God really wants your help to reach others with the gospel? ……….. When God looks at different people in this world, he sees those that aren’t saved, and then he looks back to you. God hopes in you, to be obedient to his prompting, to walk close with him, to believe him, to know him, to be faithful and trust worthy, reach out to those that God has planned for you to reach. For many of the people that surround your life, you are one of God’s hopes… you may be his last!! God sees at least one person die every second, of every day, of every week, year in and year out, most not reached, Jesus said that only a few find eternal life, (matt 7:13-14) that means many people you know, your friends, family, work mates, neighbours, will be turned away from entering heaven, wishing that they believed, or someone tried harder to reach them. The work you do with people in directing them to God is not to be taken lightly, for it will be the only work that is done in this generation that will remain… And be rejoiced about as long as eternity remains. You might be saying to your self right now, I’m not going to let the devil close me down, I’m on earth for a purpose, I want to be who you want me to be Lord, I want to the fulfil the hopes and desires that you have planned for me Lord, I am not going to live blinded by what this world calls normal. I’m not going to let those people perish, who you hope in me to reach. I want to be a person that hears you, walks close to you, in your anointing. I want to be full of Jesus, consumed with love for him, I want to serve your purpose God while I am alive, I want to give my life for something that will last forever!! …That’s good, but how long will your zeal last? 1 day? 1 week? The enemy wants to close you down, contain you, and quench your flame. The enemy knows how you operate, and so do you, you know what quenches the flame in your life…………..what do you really want?? Write down those things you want to change when you leave here, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
When are you going to change them? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
How are you going to change them? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Life is too short to be mediocre, life is too short to be average, this world needs a generation that is going to grab a hold of God, will you be one that will meet with God, separate your life unto him, God needs people that will rise up, be sold out to him and his purposes. Remember nearly the whole world is asleep, they hardly know there alive. Wake up; are you awake? … Effect eternity! Make plans today before our culture blinds you with its short sightedness and hardly perceive what your life is, who you are or where you fit in. You were born to carry God’s glory, but can he trust you. Successful people do what unsuccessful people aren’t prepared to do. The kingdom of God is within your reach, but only those that intensely desire it, obtain its fullest blessing. By-pass the limited knowledge of your mind, by praying with the Holy Spirit! Press through. The more you pray in tongues, the more you will break any controls over your life! Don’t let your flesh rob you (and the people around you), of what God wants; your flesh is your biggest enemy. At God’s feet comes; – wisdom, understanding, direction, integrity, power and love! This is where the strength of your calling lies, you before his throne at his feet. Live the way you wished, you had lived when you die! What do you want to do with your life? Then go and do it! Things won’t change unless you do. Don’t be tricked by the enemy to always be fighting your flesh, make your battles in others lives, he hates that. Don’t let the circumstances or others opinions, rule your only life! Are you ordering your circumstances, or are they ordering you? Do some ordering!! What are you going to do in today, to get more of Jesus on the scene than there was yesterday? Its not by might, its not by power, its by God’s spirit. Bring God’s spirit, not just words. Get to know God! Its not by effort of man, its by obedience, God needs to know he can trust you, faithful, sold out. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, if you don’t put in the action you won’t get the results. Hey!! Its not wether you knew it, its wether you do it!
(Start now) |