Questionnaire 1

I will make this questionnaire dynamic (web interactive) soon, at the moment its only in printer format

Please answer all the questions below, circling the one that is closest to your situation, keep in mind that you

are assessing the answers by your past not by your future desires.       (Circle only one)

 1.   In an average day (when I’m not working or studying) I would think more about…

            A. Attracting others.

            B. Just filling in my day.

            C. Spiritual things.

            D. Reaching people for Jesus.

            E. The day’s chores or requirements

            F. Being successful.

            G. My hobbies.

            H. Nothing important.

            I. Sexual stuff.

            J. (other) ………………….

 2. If someone else were able to read my mind over an average one-week period and

see my all my desires, they would have to say my greatest desire, (judged by the desire

I thought most) was….

              A. To be accepted.

              B. To get married.

              C. To please God.

              D. To know God.

              E. To be rich.

              F. To be anointed.

              G. To have recognition.

              H. To eat great food.

              I.   To reach others.

             J.  To be successful.

             K. To get a boy/girl friend

             L. To attract others

             M. (Other) ……………………….


3. Even when I think something is good for me to do and I have a strong conviction about it,

      I know I will…

            A. Do it, if it’s not to embarrassing.

            B. Do it as long as I’m not rejected.

            C. Do it as long as it doesn’t cost too much spare time or money.

            D. Do it even I others think I’m weird.

            E. Think about it, but I’m not bold enough.

            F. Do nothing normally.

            G. Do it no matter what the cost or rejection.

            F. (Other) …………………………………………….

4. To be really honest I would have to say that I save the best of my time, energy and resources for….

            A. The things that I enjoy.

            B. My self.

            C. The gospel.

            D. My future and goals

            E. Other people.

            F. My family.

            G. Just living day by day.

            H. Being successful.

            I. My image.

            J. Entertainment.

            K. (Other) ……………….

5. If I won one hundred thousand dollars tomorrow, I would spend most of it on ….

            A. Really living it up.

            B. The gospel.

            C. My future security and prosperity.

            D. Having fun with friends and family.

            E. Whatever I desire.

            F. Other people.

            G. My self.

            H. Material desires, e.g. house, car.

            I.  (Other) …………………………………………….

6. The past proves I am a person, that in most things that I do (though I might desire to

do more) I put about….

            A. 100% in, every thing I’ve got, nothing left over.

            B.  75% in, a lot of time and energy.

            C.  50% in, I like to keep well balanced.

            D.  25% in, I don’t like to get to involved.

            E. On and off commitment, only if I feel like doing it.

            F. (Other) …………………………………………….

7.         Apart from my work or study, on an average week I would spend more time on…

            A. Social activities.

            B. Spiritual fellowship.

            C. Watching TV. Or videos.

            D. Just mucking around.

            E. Imagining or doing sinful things.

            F. My boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.

            G. Praying and reading the bible.

            H. Partying with friends.

            I. Being financially successful.

            J. (Other) …………………………….

(Please remember this is not about what you wanted to do, but what you do, do.

Be honest its only you who reads this. )

8. What consumes more of your time, energy, money and talents?

            A. Day by day living.

            B. Others earthly happiness.

            C. Sinful habits.

            D. Just wasting my life.

            E. The gospel.

            F. Having pleasure.

            G. Having financial success.

            H. (Other)………………………….

9. What describes best, the actual reasons why you do the things in your day, which

your life consists of….

             A. Doing whatever I enjoy.

            B. To succeed in life.

            C. To fill in time.

            D. Because I’m caught in a rut.

            E. These are the choices I’ve made.

            F. To enjoy the life God has given me.

            G. I don’t know, sometimes I live in a bit of a dream.

            H. To glorify God.

            I. Sinful bondage and habits.

            J. Because I love people.

            K. I have to do this to get by.

            L. (other) …………………….

10. If I could have or do anything in life and not fail, I would…

             A. Have God glorified totally.

            B. Do the very best for God.

            C. Be rich.

            D. Be famous.

            E. Be free to do whatever I want, whenever I wanted!

            F. Live an average life and enjoy it to its fullest.

            G. Get the best of both worlds.

            H. Leave my mark on planet earth.

            I. Bring up a family.

            J. (Other) …………………………

 11. Now that I think about it, out of an average day I would spend most of my day on…

             A. Rubbish.

            B. Living for my self.

            C. Un-important temporal things.

            D. Attracting the opposite sex.

            E. The gospel

            F. Eternal things.

            G. Important temporal things.

            H. Nothing.

            I. Trying to get ahead in life.

            J. (other) ……………………

 12.  If Jesus returns tomorrow at 9pm, I think my reaction would be, I’d…

            A. Feel totally terrified.

            B. Be excited, but know I could have done a lot more.

            C. Rejoice, because I’ve put in 100% for Jesus.

            D. Regret my life’s lukewarm effort.

            E. Feel ashamed and afraid.

            F. …I don’t like to think about it.

            G. Be glad I did the will of God.

            H. Wish I could go back in time and do something for Jesus.

            I. Be on my face repenting.

            J. (Other) …………………………………………….

God wants us to be at one with ourselves; not all twisted up and double minded, but at

peace.  Fill in the blanks to see where you are unbalanced and what’s hindering you.

 Write in the answers you have already circled, in the questionnaire,

Those are numbered with the same number stated below.

(E.g. (1)…. Refer back to the answer you circled in question one.)

 Because my mind thinks mainly about…  (1)………………………………………………….

And my greatest hearts desire is; (2)………………………………………………….

I allow my self only to; (3)………………………………………………….

That’s why I have dedicated myself to; (4)………………………………………………….

 For the furtherance of; (5)………………………………………………….

 Am I am giving it; (6)………………………………………………….

That’s why I feed my soul on; (7)………………………………………………….

And direct my time, energy, and resources to; (8)………………………………………………….

My motive for doing this is; (9)………………………………………………….

Because the goal of my life is; (10)…………………………………………………

So the result of my life will be spent on, (11)…………………………………………………

That’s why if I died tonight and God asked me to give an account of my life up until now I’d,


A quick note for future reference: –

Questions above were covering these areas,

1. Focus.                    5. Priorities.                 9.  Motives.

2. Desire.                   6. Commitment.          10. Purpose.

3. Security.                 7. Environment.          11. Results.

4. Ownership.            8. Management.         12. Relationship with God.

For Questionnaire 2 click next….

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