
lord of the flies…

A few years ago the joy anointing swept through the world refreshing people, I heard one comment regarding it that has always stuck in my mind… the person said it was just carnal and sensual and he proved it by fact that some people experience the feeling of spiritual flickering around your head.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. However I believe it was a misinterpretation of that experience. I too had felt a flickering around my head, I think the anointing was exposing it, not bringing it.

The devil is called Beelzebub “lord of the flies” this experience was like flies buzzing around ones head, I believe the anointing was exposing the flies. Flies are attracted to that which stinks, flies are the biggest spreaders of disease the world knows. The bible says the devil drew a third of the stars, it is referring to his angels, there are a lot of stars in the universe which means a lot of flies. There are different sized demons, but some are definitely like flies.

As we pursue God we get transformed…

from glory to glory, from faith to faith, washing away the sinfulness, the natural persons desires, the carnal nature. There is a godliness that is of the flesh and a godliness that is of the spirit, one is polishing up the old man (natural man) and the other is putting on the new man which is perfected in Christ.

As we come into the light and pursue God, were washing our robes white with the blood of the lamb, we are washing away the bonds of wickedness (which I have also felt all over me as the anointing exposed it) and the stench of the flesh which is in our soul (mind) which attracts the flies.

When we have the enemy’s ideas and thoughts in our souls, he has territory in our life, it’s like ground in our soul is given over to him and he rules that area in your life, Jesus said “the enemy came but could find no place in me”. The children of Israel had to go and kick out the giants inhabiting their houses.

We need to wash away our old life…

Jesus said.. “If any one is coming to me who does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be a disciple of mine. (Luke 14:26)

He is not saying hate them, because He tells you to love the else where in the scriptures, and to lay down your life to reach them. He is saying hate the old creation, the sinful nature, the corrupt to the core, imperfect fallen creation. Unless you reject everything that is not perfect you can’t be His disciple. Jesus said be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect, He said it because its possible… How you say? We will get to that! (Matt 5:48) We need to hate our life and seek to wash it away from our new life in Christ.

Adam was born of the mud…

Water washes away mud, we need to wash ourselves with living water, until we have washed away, (the Adam life) the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. We need to wash away everything that is old so the new creation which is already complete in Christ can be expressed through your body.

I have heard from a farmer that lambs blood washes everything off your hands, even engine oil (I haven’t tested this only heard a first hand testimony).

The flesh seeks glory from man…

Jesus said how can you believe, you who seek honour from man… The new creation only seeks to glorify Christ, the Holy Spirit only Glorifies Christ, God said “Christ is to have pre-eminence in all things”,if you desire to be anything… even a glorious son of God, this is your (the new creation) biggest enemy and God’s biggest block. (the mud is desiring glory) Wash away even the desire to be something in God and then and only then can you be a manifest son of God on the earth… the moon has no light in itself, it’s only when it looks at the sun that it begins to shine. (Col 1:18John 5:44John 7:18) Only seek with a determined violence to wash away the old creation and put on the new man who is in the image of Christ.

God can’t allow you to be manifest while you’re carnal…

The world is hungering and starving for the manifestation of the sons of God on the earth. (Rom 8:21) Why do we not see the manifestation of the sons of God? Jesus said I can not put new wine in old wineskins.

Why? because it will get puffed up and burst… if you were doing amazing signs and wonders your natural man who seeks his own glory would get puffed up with pride and ruin the wineskin and the wine. God doesn’t give his power and glory to Adam (flesh, mud) only to Christ (new creation). (Luke 5:33-39)

God also says that those who have tasted of the power of the age to come, if they fall away it is impossible for them to be restored… God loves His people and He doesn’t want them to fall away, that is why many are called to a high call but few are chosen. He will not give a shotgun (enormous power and glory) to a baby to play with, it would hurt it’s self and others. (Heb 6:6)

Do you realise the only thing stopping your life from being “Christ like” on the earth is your fallen nature’s, thoughts, identity, desires, ideas and beliefs are still in your head. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and you will be able to prove… (Rom 12:2)

Make a division to see clearly…

For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts andintentions of the heart. (Heb 4:12)

To get godly we don’t watch our language or our thoughts that’s just morality, we put on the new man, the mind of Christ, walk in the Spirit and you won’t fulfil the desires of the flesh… we need to be partakers of the divine nature…

You must realise you are brand new and all old thing are done away with… it true the new creation can not sin. You must realise it is not a cop out to say its no longer I that sins but the sin within me that sins…  Once you begin to believe this scripture is makes a divide between your soul and spirit, between the new creation and the old creation. You no longer accept the sin as you, you get angry with it and recognise it as an intruder (as flies) Then you have joined the battle from the correct perspective. Don’t clean up Adam.. kill him! (1 John 3:92 Cor 5:17Heb 4:12 , Rom 7:17)

The pure in heart will see God…

Don’t you hate the distance between you and God, how you can’t see Him, and can’t commune with Him in a much closer way? The Old testament show this whole concept another way.. it talks about the outer court, the inner court and the holiest of holy place. The cleansing anointing, the priestly anointing and the kingly anointing. The choice is yours to how far you go in God.

Postionally its yours in Christ but experientially you cant enter, if you come in the flesh. They had a form of godliness but denied the power of it. Godliness does have a power. People couldn’t stay in the same prayer meeting as Smith Wigglesworth because from faith to faith and glory to glory he was coming into what Jesus had purchased for us all.

Where are the ones?

God is amazing powerful, loving, glorious, and willing… where are His sons that will truly represent Him in the earth like Jesus did? Where are the ones who will give the people God’s answer to there horrible disease? Where are the ones who will give what Jesus has paid for them to have and truly set them free?

Jesus said I came that you might have life in all it’s fullness. Greater works will you do because I go to my father…

You’re already complete in Him, but glugged and hidden by you’re old mud. Wash it away…

Let’s get godly…

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