Failed to Impart Healing

Does failure to heal means it’s not true?

I have just visited a few websites that would be in opposition to this one, they say “this person believed, taught and ministered faith healing but died of cancer”.

Comments like these demonstrate a short-sighted worldview that can’t see what God is doing, looking for and wanting with our life on this earth.

I’ve seen my fair share of miracles through my life to know God’s word is true if you will work with Him correctly. So I believe God heals the sick, but many times a flu will come and knock me over, many times I’ve prayed for people and they have been only partially healed or not at all, does that mean healing isn’t true? Have they caught us out and proved it’s all just a big lie?

No it doesn’t, failure fits fair and square into our understanding… the disciples tried to too but couldn’t because of unbelief, I can find more things that I can’t believe God for than things I can believe Him for.

It’s the state of the human condition, we are all in a battle, the biggest enemy is ourselves, and then the kingdom of darkness… the perfect picture to explain why healings don’t happen is the children of Israel going into the promised land.

There had to be five things in place for them to win each one of their battles,

  1. Right with God

  2. God’s direction

  3. Fight

  4. Fight with the sword

  5. God had to be ruling

1. Sometimes the Children of Israel were in sin and God wanted them to get right with Him; sometimes we shipwreck our faith because of the condition of our heart, we start functioning in the spirit of religion and block God because we feel we don’t deserve, all God wants is for us to repent and believe. We need to be solid with God, the failure to do this blocks so many miracles.

2. God gave them direction, and told them how to take the city, e.g. march around it seven times… We need to be working with the Holy Spirit, there are times when I have felt the Lord say don’t pray for that.. but I have gone ahead and prayed because I didn’t want to offend and nothing has happened.. we need to be Spirit led, some battles are too big for us, some we are too blind to see, too deaf to hear, or to dumb to perceive. God works with us where we are at not where He is at.

3. Fight, you can’t sit on your butt hoping, it takes action to win a battle, we have to have a fighting spirit, like Joshua and Caleb.  The amplified bible says,  And the prayer [that is] of faith will save him who is sick, and the Lord will restore him; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offences, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. (James 5:15-16) You can’t go to battle half hearted, it takes a whole hearted person to win a battle. It takes a whole heart for God to flow out of.

 For further Study.. 

4. Fight with the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, we don’t go to battle without our sword, but what use is a sword if you don’t know how to use it? Or if the enemy quickly removes it in a sword fight, the enemy will us a sword against us, things that will bring doubt or fear… we have to make sure we keep our sword (believe with whole heart) this is where most failures to heal or receive from God occur. Like the disciples we might need to fast and pray to get rid of the enemy’s sword (ideas – unbelief) in us. (Matt 17-16-21)

For further Study.. 

5. God said “when you hear me marching on the tops of the trees”… whoever is ruling in the spiritual realm wins, if there is a big blinding demon overshadowing the situation and you don’t move it chances are you will loose that battle… Jesus said “unless you bind the strong man you can’t enter a strong mans house and take his goods”. 

For further Study.. 

What happened when they failed?

The Children of Israel are a picture of us in the spirit, on how to live in the spirit, how to win battles, what to do and what not to do.

Through their history they are victorious, defeated, taken capture, lost, wandering, blinded, conquering… and all while they were in a covenant with God, a bit like us all really.

There are times when we are defeated, taken captive, the enemy is laying siege to our lives, or we have taken a city and the enemy joined forces with another king and takes it back.

If you look at the failures of the Children of Israel you will see why all this came upon them, why they were victorious or defeated. The same applies to us…

Many times I have ministered with a shipwrecked faith, or without using my  sword correctly (with faith instead of hope), we are all in a war and we need to realise that, we need to learn how to war God’s way. Our enemy is smart and he knows you intimately and will buffet and attack at the best place.

Jesus is working on your faith… it’s from faith to faith, not bible knowledge to bible knowledge.. it’s believing God and His word that counts. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, He wants to teach you, grow you, stretch you and make you a conqueror.

Love is the key, faith unlocks the door, obedience takes us through!

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