How faith fits in to the real world
Where does faith fit in our everyday lives?
What use is it and how important is it? Why would I need to have it?
We will look at 2 will, 2 realities and 2 truths, 2 Answers
2 Wills
Question: Is God’s will being done on the earth?
The scripture says…”Aren’t two sparrows sold for a coin? Not one of them falls on the ground apart from your Father’s will (Matt 10:29)
It appears from that scripture that everything done is God’s will, however we need to balance scripture with scripture to get the whole picture.
A lot of people think that everything that is done is God’s will, because God is sovereign… (God is sovereign) but Jesus told us to pray, prayers that show God’s will is not being done.
Jesus said pray this “Father, your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Luke 11:2, Matt 6:10)
Firstly we see God’s will is not being done on the earth or it would be a waste of time praying your will be done.
The scripture also says, Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Rom 12:2)
There are many many other scriptures that demonstrate God’s will is not being done, these come to mind.
God said “I desire none to perish” (2 Pet 3:9) his will is not being done there either because Jesus said narrow is the path and few that find it (Matt 7:13).
You have not because you ask not (James 4:2) God desires you to have but you don’t. Here is will is not being done either.
It appears God’s will in heaven is his “perfect will” and what happens on the earth is God’s “permissive will” ….
Side note: God in His sovereignty, set up this world to produce what he wanted from it, the bible say He crucified Christ (planned) before he even started laying the foundation of the world, it is His will that we struggle through to faith, hope and Love… its just part of the construct.
Here’s the outline of the God’s will in Heaven
Heaven | Earth |
Gods perfect will | God’s permissive will |
God Reigns | Devil=god of this world |
Perfection | Fallen |
No Sin | Full of Sin |
No Sickness | Sickness |
No Death | Death |
No Tears | Tears |
Joy for ever more | Suffering and pain |
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control | adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies |
No Hunger | Hunger | |
No Lack | Poverty and famine | |
No sorrow | Great Sorrow |
2 Realities
Real Reality | Experienced Reality |
Provided For | Where is it? |
Positional Yours | Experientially not! |
Promised | Pie in the Sky |
Supernatural | Natural |
2 Truths
Like other things the same applies in Christ, these things are in heaven not only provided for and yours but they are seen as final and true. These are because they’re part of the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ, in other words they are paid for and given in Christ at Calvary.
Real truth | Apparent truth |
You’re anointed |
You don’t feel anointed |
1 John 2:20 |
By his stripes were Healed | You’re sick | 1 Peter 2:24 |
You’re the righteousness of God | You’re struggling with righteousness | 2 Cor 5:21 |
You rule and reign with him over the nations | Can’t even rule yourself | |
As he is so are you on the earth | You are like you | 1 John 4:17b |
You can raise the dead heal the sick and cast out demons. | You wouldn’t even know how you could do that | |
You have eternal life | You’re not so sure sometimes | John 5:24 |
all things are yours – rich | live from pay check to pay check | 1 Cor 3:22 |
Full favour with God | hide away sometimes | |
Free from the Curse | under the curse | |
All old things have passed away | still struggle with old things | 2 Cor 5:17 |
2 Answers
Heavens Answer | Earths Answer | |
God working | Man working | |
Spiritual Action | Physical Action |
Christ Paid | You Pay |
Get Healed | Operations and medications |
Get prospered | By the sweat of your Brow |
Devine Health | Vitamins & Minerals |
Gift of Righteousness | Polish up |
So we see with the differing wills, realities, truths and answers, that everything that happens in or around your life is not necessarily the way its suppose to be, or God’s will.
Activating God’s promise, reality, truth and answer.
So how do we get God’s promises here?
This is where faith comes in…
Its quite simple.. all we have to do is believe God, that is: we agree with God in our hearts!
God is light and in Him is no darkness, He is not a man that He would lie, everything He says is 100% true and when you agree you activate the truth (Rom 10:10) you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
When you don’t agree (or know the truth) then you’re left with earths answers. This whole world is constructed to produce Faith, Hope and Love and these are the rules. (see the first study…The Construct)
Faith is the bridge between the two realms, the bible says faith overcomes the world, it overcomes it with the real truth.
Whichever promise you have plugged into, activated, heart believed, you will live in that Will, that Reality, that Truth and that Answer.
The difference between “positionaly yours” and “experientially yours” is faith.
Jesus said it this way… repent and believe,
Repent: not to earn anything by a “religious repenting” but to break associations with the devil. (any legal authority over you)
Believe: Believe in his finished work! (not your repentance, as many do)
Its always been about believing God…
You can live either reality, the choice is yours.
God said I put before you life and death, blessing and curse – Choose Life! (Deut 30:19)