Faith is a strange thing and we all struggle with it, the angels even struggled with it, many may or may not even had it? When it came time to believing God 1/3 didn’t, others might have stayed because of Hope or Love…?
The advanced section is for people who understand and function with ease in the regular section.
Here are some snippets of what we will be covering here are:
– overseas guru’s make diamond rings appear in their hands, and even lay hands and heal marriages, witches and those in the occult place curses, fast and pray and do signs and wonders all using the law of faith. Like gravity faith is a law that either the devil or God backs up?…
– How finished is Jesus work? Where do we put our faith, can we sow where we have never reaped?
– Like a gun, faith needs a trigger, some times we give heaven marching orders but they don’t march, its because we haven’t burst the bubble that needs to be burst, we haven’t released it and its hooked up somewhere…
– How do I get a pure faith? How do I move in such things? How do I see real answers to real problems? I believe you can be transformed take a look and see…
True faith – You have to decide what is true, ‘have all things passed away all have become new’, ‘you have the mind of Christ’, ‘you are a partaker of the divine nature’, ‘you have a new heart’ or do you still have ‘the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh or the pride of life’? What is true and what is a lie? The interesting twist is most Christian ministries to the Christian are focused on cleaning up the old man…
True Battle Ground – Many struggle and fight at the wrong battleground, the choice is yours you can fight in Adam with Christ, or in Christ alone, in other words, you can fight ‘with the cross’ or at ‘the cross’, there are battles you don’t have to fight, but he enemy gets us chasing out tails our whole life fighting them…
Baptised In Christ – Many take the scripture and because it doesn’t fit into normal logic or time they mould it to fit their experience, e.g. behold all things have passed away all have become new, or by his stripes you are healed or you are complete in Christ. In Christ all these things are complete…
And many more…